The healing power of positive words

Article by Fiora Touliatou

Did you know that words have power? Did you know that when we speak we create vibrations?

Photo by Anthony from Pexels

Positive words create beautiful vibrations and negative words create destructive vibrations. When we speak and use positive words, we create positive energy. However, when we speak badly or swear, we create destructive energy. Imagine how much power we create everyday depending on how we speak!

Have you heard of the water experiments? Japanese alternative medicine doctor Masaru Emoto created experiments with water and discovered that words emit specific frequency that the water can sense. When positive words were spoken, beautiful geometric crystals were formed in the water. However, when degrading or negative words were spoken, then broken and deformed crystals were formed. Dr Emoto concluded that, since we are 70% made of water, positive words create beautiful energy both in our body and to others around us. On the contrary, when we speak with negative words or swearing, negative energy is created, firstly inside our body and consequently to everyone around us. Therefore, we create as we speak and we have both the choice and the power to make beautiful and/or ugly energy.

Speaking with positive words has several impacts, like a ripple on the surface of water. Firstly, the vibrations that are created inside our body can either heal us or make us ill. This is how affirmations work; saying positive affirmations daily can truly change our lives drastically. Secondly, how we speak has an effect on others, not only to humans but also to animals and plants. Energetically, we are all connected and we have a responsibility to what effect we create to our environment.

Some positive affirmation that we can say loudly to ourselves on a daily basis are:

  • I AM SAFE!

We have the power and we can create beautiful things! Let’s be more mindful with our words! Let’s create beauty inside and around us!